Monday, March 23, 2009

Plan B for the day after pill!

I read an article this week in the New York times about a day after pill for 17 year olds over the counter. A federal judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration to make a PLAN B morning-after pill for 17 year olds. The F.D.A has 30 days to comply to this request. This drug consists of two pills that will prevent conception if taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse. The age now is set at 18. To me I think that the age should stay at 18. Yes, it's only a one year difference but the fact is when you are 17 you are still a young adult and in high school usually. A 17 year old needs to consider a lot more than just being able to go get it fixed. If this age gets younger and younger; kids will think they can just fix it without even thinking about it. 18 is a young age too, but I just wouldn't want it to go any younger.


  1. I agree with you, it should not go any younger. By making easy ways out, it stops people from having to make smart choices.

  2. wow 17 and having sex that is crazy and you know the weird thing is that kids these days are all having sex and everytime i turn around i see all these girls that are 16 or 17 and they are pregnant dont they teach kids sex ed anymore? shoot kids are growing up way to fast!
