Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Life, Interrupted

I read a story from the New york times about a 23 year old school teacher that went missing in august. This school teacher went missing a day before she starting classes last august. She went for a jog; leaving behind her ID, cellphone, and money!! The last thing she remembers is leaving for the jog and then someone finding her in the water with just a sports bra and shorts. For the three weeks no one knew where she was and neither did she. Their was a couple spottings of her in these three weeks in a starbucks and apple store. The question is if she had no money; then how did she pay for things she did or even stay alive for three weeks? They wondered if it was biplor disorder or just running away from stress of everyday life. The 23 year old girl was just able to start talking about what happened, but still doesn't recall anything that happened. I would just like to know what happened in those three weeks. Does she really know what happened or was she really that lost? It's really scary to think about!


  1. Thats pretty crazy. I'd like to see more of what happens with her situation in the weeks and months to come.

  2. I think we should followup on this. Pretty weird. Bipolar disorder, maybe. Wouldn't want to have it, nosir.
    Good work, Kelsey
