Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine FLU

One thing that I have been hearing everywhere and everyday is the swine flu. I have been seeing it in nermous papers and all over the news. Its crazy to see on tv the people in Mexico who are having to wear face masks just walking on the streets. They have been saying that more and more cases are being reported in the united states, but I think they are getting a little to excited about it. I mean ya mexico is seeing it really bad and we could to but we have more cases of flu every year, and we take the necessary percautions already towards it. It can be very dangerous but so can any cold or flu. Right now we don't have to many cases and it's nothing to worry about, because think of how many people we have in the United states. I still take percautions towards it but I think a lot of people are taking it to far and worrying to much for something we see every year. I'm not saying we shouldn't look at for it because it is a bad sickness! With any symtoms of being sick I think people should go to the doctor, and by doing that you catch it early and you don't have to worry about it. It's the people that wait and wait until the last minute that are dieing from it!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Recycling a Waste?

I read an article from Mother jones. Earth day started about 40 years ago. April 22, 1970. Around 3,000 voluntary recylcing programs sprung up around the country. Americans now recycle a third of their trash and that's up 6 percent from 1970. Yet we are doing all these things and they say americans are still generating more waste then ever. In just 5 minutes we use another 1,060,000 aluminum cans, 2 million plastic bottles, and 15 million sheets of paper. Our country is still drowning in plastic. People are questioning whether recycling is a waste? If we didn't recycle at all, think about how much waster we would have then. I don't think it's a waste because even if animals are still dieing from our waste and we are still having lots of problems; we could be causing a lot more deaths and problems by not doing it. I'm sure are number of problems would double or even triple! Recycling should never be thought about as a waste.

Monday, April 20, 2009

With Son in Remission, A family looks for coverage

I read an article from the New york times about a family who was struggling to support themselves and their medical bills. This family has a 21-year old son that metastatic testicular cancer. He has now been in remission for a year, but they have worries of it coming back. He has had four operations and stem cell research done. The mother Danna Walker lost her job back in October and loses insurance benefits shortly. They have there own medications they need between her and her husband. Let alone her son that has a couple CT's that cost $3,000 and X-rays run $1,000! They are trying to find money to support there insurance by pushing back house payments and even utitlities. This story is like many other americans that have been laid off and looking for health care. We lose everything just to support a medical disease we can't help? I wish we could do more to save families like these.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Foolproofing Suicide with Euthanasia Test kits

I read an article from Time magazine about a test kit that makes sure the medicine you are taking to commit suicide isn't outdated or have things wrong with it. People are ending there lives with barbiturates, but in some cases it is oudated and it causes the person to live. The person may end up living instead of dieing and can result in coma or physical problems. You also can consider the confusion from the families about you trying to commit suicide and you will be stuck trying to tell them why you did what you did. This kit will show a color change and it will show you if it it lethal. I don't really get why they came out with this because it just shows another thing for suicidal people. It will help them to make sure they actually get the job done the first time. What are we doing? Don't we want the suicide to stop?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Deadly Earthquake hits Italy

This week I read an article from the New York Times. Their was an earthquake that hit Italy on Monday and it had a magnitude of 6.3! It seriously damaged buildings and killed 92 people. It left tens of thousands homeless. It damaged lots of historic buildings, and it cracked them right down the middle. By mid afternoon the death doll was 92 people and 1500 injured. They are 4,000 rescuers that are taking away the rubble and looking for more survivors. This earthquake struck at 3:30 a.m. and you could feel it as far away as Rome, 60 miles west, it rattled furniture and set off car alarms there. I can't even imagaine if we had a an earth quake where I was. I wouldn't ever want to be involved in a earthquake. There is no stopping it and you don't know when it will end. I feel so bad for all of those people in Italy, and all the family they lost. This wasn't just a little earthquake either because people could feel is for miles and miles. I hope they find all the people they are looking for.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is America Ready for a Gay Idol!?

I read an article in Mother Jones about the Americal Idol star that has not publicy came out his gayness, but they are wondering wether or not it will effect his voting. Adam Lambert is a gifted performer that should have a chance at idol, but will this get in his way. Some people think it could cost him some votes and gain others. No matter what I think people should judge him for his talent. Not his sexuality. Everyone should get a chance no matter what their difference in this world. Some people can't help what they feel or who they are. I just hope in the end he is judged by his performance.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Plan B for the day after pill!

I read an article this week in the New York times about a day after pill for 17 year olds over the counter. A federal judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration to make a PLAN B morning-after pill for 17 year olds. The F.D.A has 30 days to comply to this request. This drug consists of two pills that will prevent conception if taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse. The age now is set at 18. To me I think that the age should stay at 18. Yes, it's only a one year difference but the fact is when you are 17 you are still a young adult and in high school usually. A 17 year old needs to consider a lot more than just being able to go get it fixed. If this age gets younger and younger; kids will think they can just fix it without even thinking about it. 18 is a young age too, but I just wouldn't want it to go any younger.