Monday, March 9, 2009

Dog Saves Lives

This week I read an article from the Denver Post about a dogs bark that saved a family from carbon-monoxide posioning. The dog started barking at 4am on Sunday morning and woke one of the adults living in the home. The people said that they truly believe if the dog wasn't there, they would of died. The family believes the carbon-monoxide came from the oven; that they had made pizza that night before they went ot bed. They all got up to try to comfort the dog, and after a little while they realized they weren't all feeling well. One of the people even passed out, and that's when they decided to get out of the home. Everyone ended up being ok from everything, but if the dog wouldn't of been there they might have all died. It's crazy to think that just a little dog can save so many lives. I don't think people credit animals as much as they should. Animals do so much for so many people, without people knowing it!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. My parents had a similar incident, but no dog. Just woke in the middle of thenight and smelled the gas -- one of my brothers forgot to turn off the burner, and the pilot light did something weird.
    Anyway. Strange how we get lucky, isn't it.
