Thursday, March 5, 2009

Health Care Crisis Hits Home

I read an article from Time magazine and it was about a 54 year old man trying to deal with the health crisis at hand. 54 year old, Pat, worked at a job that he only made $9 an hour and he had insurance that had a deductible of $2,500. Pat never went to the doctor or anything because he knew the bills would add up and he couldn't afford it. Pat already had a disorder called Asperger's snydrome. It is sometimes described as a high form of Autism. Pat went to a routine physical and had some unusal levels in his urine, and later his urine was brown and foamy. The doctor decided to send him to a specialist and they got a biopsy done. This confirmed that Pat's kidneys were shutting down. After all this shock, Pat finds out that his insurance will not cover all his medical bills. His brother tried to reason with them and figure it out but their was no budging. Pat has to deal with all of these problems and the start of a large debt. He is already $14,000 in debt. This is just one American that is suffereing with the hard times. You don't realize how bad the health care system is getting until it hits home. This family is one of the many discovering this health care crisis.

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