Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mother and Child at Risk, Care that includes Psychologist

A woman became pregnant and her grandmother told her she would buy her a car if she had an abortion. Other family members told her that the baby wouldn't see it's first birthday. The woman was 22, single, and already saw the doctor several time for suicide attempts. The woman had a little boy named Elijah. When he as only a week old she brought him to the doctor for a check up, and they told her to join a infant-parent psycholtherapy group. Instead she agreed on home vists; during these home visits she admitted she was sexually abused as a child. She needed a lot more help then they thought....they contiued with home visits and after three months she agreed to go to group two days a week and continue home visits. Today Elijah is 3, and a happy boy. Who knows what would of happened if she didn't get help. Her own family didn't have faith in it; they should of been the ones trying to help her through it. Instead, they turned their backs on not only her but the lilttle boy. When i think of how many other little babies are in danger like this it scares me. I just wish that their families would be there to support and help them out. I hope we find more ways to help out young mothers and babies!


  1. wow thats crazy when i was reading this i was waiting for a tragic ending but i am so glad it didnt turn out that way and i am glad that the baby was ok and people were there to help

  2. It's too bad that her own family can't even beleive in her. But i'm glad she proved them all wrong.
