Thursday, January 29, 2009

~*~Peanut Product Recall Grows in Salmonella Scare~*~

This week I read about the Salmonella scare in the United States. Eight people have now died and another 500 people sickened by it. Half of those 500 were children. Who knows how many more cases are out there either. The plant that has caused all these problems had tests done in 2007 and 2008 that showed contamination. But they still decided to send out the products. This company supplied some of the largest food makers in the United states too. I can't believe people would send that stuff out and didn't think about harming anyone. I feel so bad for all the people affected by it. That's scary to think. They had an elderly lady on the news today that was one of the eight that died. It was so sad because the family said it just happened so fast. It's hard to see it in elderly people or children because it's so hard for them to overcome it. :-(


  1. well if you think about it kids are the main ones that eat peanut butter that is crazy to think that people die from foods but it happens all the time and you continuosly hear about salmonella poisning you would think that they would do something about it, its just to bad people have to die because of it

  2. Wow. That is a bad deal. It's a sad day in the world when you need to eat or you'll die, but the food you eat could kill you too. Makes me a bit paranoid sometimes, but what can ya' do? I just hope food companies take a few more precautions in the future...
