Sunday, February 8, 2009

Flight 1549 Pilot tells terror and intense focus

I read an article from the New york times about the recent plane crash in the Hudson River. The pilot told how he felt during the crash. He said he new instantly the plane was in trouble when he felt the birds hit the engines. The plane lost thrusts in both engines. He said he knew that he needed to touch down with the wings level and the note slightly up. With no crashes behing him he didn't think something like this would ever happen to him, but he handled the crash very well. I think for no experience landing this plane he did an amazing job. He had so much pressure during it and he did a amazing job underpressure. Many people I'm sure are thankful there lives. I know i would be so grateful to him. It would be so tramatic for the people on the plane and all the crew on the plane!! After an experience like that you would probably come in check with you life! I know I would!

1 comment:

  1. I watched 60 Minutes last night and it was about the plane crash. I can't imagine what was going through his mind but he did save a lot of people's lives by landing it in the Hudson River. On the show it showed his family reading tons of mail he received from people all over the world thanking him for saving the lives of the people on the plane and landing in the River and not in the city where more lives could have been jeopardized. He is a true hero for making a quick decision and saving the lives of so many people.
